【配信時間 2:03:26】2019年12月10日、本日2枠目となる『鈴原るる』さんの配信は、今回で通算10回目となる「DARK SOULS II: SCHOLAR OF THE FIRST SIN」です。
- 鈴原大好き
- 回避や回復のタイミング難しかっただろうに”ミダ”を予定していた時間内に倒せたのはさすが鈴原るるって感じ
- ポンコツ具合に拍車かかってるけど、両国で張ってた緊張の糸が切れて、 反動でふにゃってるんやろうねw 当然の事だと思うし存分にふわ原さんでいいと思う。 すぐにいつもの鈴原に戻るだろうしこういう日はむしろないと心配になるw
- 毒ミダをギミック解除なし初見1時間弱で倒すとは思ってなかった。 ダクソの申し子か?
- 最適解なんか知らねえよ、殴れば倒せるだろ?的スタイル好き。
- 最期の高速フラグ回収は爆笑してしまった。ほんと毎回見てて飽きないです。
Excuse me, I have a question (related to Japanese again T_T).
At 00:42:31 .What does the word “kiri” mean in “kirihara”? I’ve heard this word a few times before, while watching Lulu’s livestream, but I used to ignore it so I didn’t study closely. It seems to be synonymous with “Saehara”, but I can’t understand what “Kiri” is, 切り, 霧 or イキリ or something else. I hope someone can help me.
I think the “Kirihara” who was speaking in that scene was saying “Kirihara” because Mr. Suzuhara cut the “mimic” that appeared there.
I think “Saehara” means “brilliant” Suzuhara, a word often used when one solves a puzzle.
The word “ikirihara” has the same nuance as “lulu so full of themselves”.
I’m sorry if this is confusing…
As always, thank you so much for your help!
Although this time I don’t quite understand yet ^^, but it’s okay. I think if I don’t understand or misinterpret what Lulu is saying, I still think she’s amazing.
Remember the time when I first watched her archive, I didn’t know any Japanese at that time, and misinterpret a lot of what she said. For example, at that time, she used to say “Kuyashii”. I tried using google translate to translate it, and the result is 「kuyashi = to regret」 (feel sad or disappointed over a loss or missed opportunity, JPese seems is 思い残す), although True meaning is “Kuyashii = frustrating” (annoyance or upset because of an inability to change or achieve something). These 2 words have completely different meanings, seems to be due to a ‘technical problem’ that caused google translate to mistranslate. Looking back on it now, it’s funny. Since then, I have been misinterpreting the meaning of the word “Kuyashii” for 4-5 months.
There are so many more misinterpret-word yet, but I still love Lulu’s Game-livestream even if I don’t understand it.
Lulu is so wonderful. I wonder if it’s because she’s the first Japanese I’ve heard without subtitles (since watching her, I’ve started to seriously study Japanese, in order to understand somewhat of what she’s saying) , or because i like her personality, persistent mix a bit gloomy.
In short what I mean is : Met Lulu around the first months of 2020, was an important event in my life, she taught me many things, she gave me Light. And I’m also very thankful for your summary-website, I stumbled across this website around May 2020, when I was searching “what is Doya Esto” on google. Your website has helped me to understand a lot more about Lulu, like the ネタ of HunterxHunter, Gundam or ネタ on nicovideos or Tsukkomi, For someone who doesn’t know Japanese like me, those things seem extremely difficult to understand. Thanks again!
Sorry I’ve been talking nonsense all of a sudden. It’s just that I’m still sad about lulu’s retire so I wanted to tell someone about my view of her.
I am glad that this site has been of some help to you.
I feel the same way about Lulu’s retirement.
I will always hope that she is doing well.